Get a set of FREE printables that you can download and print for free. There are 4 bookmarks, 3 mini posters, 2 reading list template, and 2 rounded stickers.
Ever wish you could trade in your boring muggle textbooks on history and chemistry for guides to casting spells and the history of Quidditch? Sixteen-year-old potterhead and would-be Hogwarts student Allysah, of the Tumblr veraferto, has created an impressive series of textbooks fit for a wizard's library. Allysah created designs using the real titles of textbooks from J.K. Rowling's series, and even added the real author names, from "Quentin Trimble" to "Bathilda Bagshot."
a Brief historyMesin penjual buku pertama dibuat oleh Richard Carlile di Inggris pada tahun 1822. Carlile adalah pedagang buku yang ingin menjual buku-buku radikal seperti Age of Reason karangan tokoh Revolusi Amerika, Thomas Paine, tanpa dijebloskan ke penjara. Solusinya adalah mesin self-service yang memungkinkan pembeli membeli buku-buku revolusioner tanpa berhubungan lagsung dengan Carlile. It’s unclear whether this was an automated process, but that didn’t stop England’s own automated process from convicting one of Carlile’s employees for selling “blasphemous material.”